Hydrochem Modernisation Project 

“LM Engineering undertook the design, construction, and commissioning of HydroChem’s advanced chemical manufacturing facility.

 Prior to LME’s engagement, HydroChem was operating a traditional 1,000 sqm manufacturing facility. After securing a new 8,500 sqm site, HydroChem’s intention was to design a process similar to the existing – but bigger. HydroChem approached LM Engineering to design the new facility…”

  • “…LM Engineering approached the design from a different perspective, thoroughly reviewing HydroChem’s existing manufacturing process and looking at how advanced manufacturing technologies could be economically implemented and/or adapted. The technologies introduced included: robot arms, automated driverless forklifts, vision systems and SCADA. 

    The focus of LM Engineering was to:

    • Increase efficiency

    • Minimise OHS & environmental risks

    • Provide systems that continuously collect data for ongoing improvement projects

    • Minimise design, construction & operating costs

    HydroChem has been realising these benefits in the new advanced manufacturing facility for over 5 years. In addition to those direct benefits, HydroChem has also realised additional benefits in – repositioning as an innovative manufacturer and increased employee retention.

    LM Engineering has continued to support HydroChem throughout this operational period with emergency call-outs (which have been minimal) and improvement projects.

    It is difficult to imagine how we could have grown to our current capacity without the involvement of LM Engineering; from the innovative concepts through to the implementation and support.”

    — Nick Duncan, Director, Hydrochem

Toyota Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

“LM Engineering (LME) are a long term, trusted partner of Toyota’s Advanced Planning Group. They have worked with us on many successful projects including the delivery of our mobile refuelling facility, a truck mounted hydrogen refueller that has been travelling around Australia demonstrating the refuelling process for hydrogen vehicles….”

  • “…More recently we have engaged LME to project manage and coordinate the delivery of a fixed hydrogen generation and refuelling facility located at our Hydrogen Centre in Altona. Due to the technology associated with generating hydrogen, this project has been challenging from the outset, however LME have once again proven to be pivotal to the success of our project. Being the first plant of its kind in Australia, LME have been critical at ensuring safety compliance including consulting with all applicable local authorities as required. LME have ensured this process has been carried out both effectively and efficiently.

    Having worked very closely with Lucas, Arthur and the LME team, I would have no hesitation in strongly recommending them for future projects.”

    — Matt Macleod, Manager – Future Technologies and Mobility, Advanced Projects Group, Toyota Motor Corporation

Toyota Centre of excellence

“Put simply I cannot recommend the LM Engineering Team highly enough as the ‘Partner of Choice’ to navigate you through any corporate construction project.

Toyota has undertaken significant projects with LME and each time they have delivered, added value, engaged stakeholders across the board and saved the company time and money through their considered, experienced and collaborative approach…”

  • “…I have personally worked closely with the LME Team on Toyota’s State of the Art Product Centre at our Altona Centre of Excellence as well as the demolition of Toyota’s Press Shop. In addition to this LME have been involved in significant and extensive remediation and development activities at Toyota’s Altona site for  more than 13 years.

    More recently, Toyota has engaged LME for construction project management and site superintendent roles and each time they have exceed expectations!

    Headed up by Lucas, we have had the benefit of Daniel Sey’s extensive knowledge and relationship management skills to get the job done, with the right solution, every time! At all hours Lucas, Daniel and Liam have solved complicated issues over numerous stakeholders and delivered clear value in each project

    I would not hesitate to engage LME. A true Trusted Advisor!”

    — Luke Martin, Manager, Corporate Property, Toyota Motor Corporation

St Ali Coffee

“LM Engineering undertook the design, construction, and commissioning of St Ali's roasting facility and packaging. Prior to engaging LME capital works were tackled in house. I now wonder how we managed without LME…”

  • “…As our coffee volume grew quickly we made the decision that we needed help to upgrade our roasting and packing facility to compete at an enterprise level and supply new channels that were very demanding. Thankfully we realised we lacked the competency and depth of team skills to implement this on our own.  The speed and efficiency of delivery surpassed our own internal forecasts.

    LME questioned every aspect of our thinking and emphasised the need for future proofing.  Our brief to LME was to deliver on time and on budget, provide a plant that minimised input costs and increased efficiency and allow us to enter new products and markets.

    ST. ALi is now well placed to accommodate our continuing growth.  LME has become an ongoing partner currently working on improving our ability to grind coffee at a large scale for supermarket shelves.  Lucas in particular has become a friend and a trusted consultant.  I ring him often for general advice on manufacturing and he is always happy to take my call and willing to help.  I cannot recommend LME highly enough.  They are rockstars!!!”

    — Salvatore Malatesta, CEO and Creative Director, St Ali Coffee